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Managed security services

Simplify enterprise protection with managed security services.

As enterprises work to keep pace with the constantly evolving landscape of threats, managed security services can help to achieve greater enterprise security while allowing IT teams to focus on the most critical security initiatives.

Many IT security tasks are critical but routine. From ensuring that the enterprise firewall is correctly configured to making certain that antivirus and anti-malware technology is up-to-date, there are a broad range of tasks that are essential to enterprise security – but which may not be top priority for IT teams faced with limited resources or tight deadlines on strategic projects.

Managed security services can help by cost-efficiently outsourcing elements of enterprise security to a team of specialists who can handle these tasks more easily and effectively.

Managed security services from Spectrum Enterprise

Spectrum Enterprise provides managed security services that help to better protect the enterprise network with reliable and fully managed firewall security. As part of a suite of managed services that also includes Managed Router, Managed WiFi and Managed SD-WAN solutions, Managed Security Service from Spectrum Enterprise with managed firewall enable enterprises to improve productivity while knowing that data and the network are secure.

Managed Security service from Spectrum Enterprise enable IT teams to:

  • Streamline security efforts by offloading management of the firewall to a team of experts, enabling IT staff to focus on strategic initiatives.
  • Increase network security by ensuring that the firewall is optimized to identify and block suspicious activity and threats.
  • Protect remote users by enabling them to connect through secure site-to-site and mobile VPN connections.
  • Enjoy expert support with 24/7/365 phone and online access to certified technicians.
  • Ensure compliance with mandates such as HIPAA, CIPA, PCI-DSS and SOX.
  • Monitor security with automated firewall updates to mitigate known vulnerabilities and risks.

Features of Spectrum Enterprise’s managed security services

Managed security services from Spectrum Enterprise include:

  • Unified threat management (UTM) firewall
  • Gateway antivirus/spyware protection
  • URL/Web/Content filtering
  • Intrusion protection service (IPS)
  • Intrusion detection service (IDS)
  • Vulnerability assessments and testing
  • Demilitarized zone (DMZ) and network segmentation
  • Event log management
  • Advanced security reporting
  • Application layer control
  • IP VPN
  • Managed IP SEC VPN (site to site)
  • Remote and mobile VPNs (SSL)

Learn more about managed security services from Spectrum Enterprise.

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