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Top strategies to simplify your hotel network management

In the wake of the pandemic, the hotel industry is experiencing unemployment levels more than six times higher than in 2019. Hotels are operating with reduced staff, requiring hoteliers to do more than usual to ensure that guests feel pampered and business is running smoothly. One area that is vital for achieving these goals is strong, reliable connectivity.

Propelled by COVID-19, hotels are relying more on touchless technology to rebuild guest trust. In addition, the majority of hotel operators recognize that emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, virtual reality, biometrics and facial recognition are reshaping the industry. Experts predict that by 2023 the number of networked devices each guest brings with them will increase to 3.6 per person.

As a hotelier, you not only need to focus on keeping your guests happy, but you must stay on top of these emerging trends. Moreover, you must also balance daily network management and ensure that the latest cybersecurity measures are in place. Trying to meet all these expectations, while dealing with a lack of skilled technology expertise creates real issues when it comes to modernizing and managing your network.

This guide offers two top strategies to help you simplify your network management — a crucial component for maintaining operational efficiency and creating exceptional guest experiences.

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