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Beyond the classroom today

The long-tail impact of the COVID-19 pandemic continues in K-12 education, providing rich lessons learned from the experience for both educators and parents and continuing to stimulate new energy around how to improve educational experiences for all students. The jump start for this newfound interest was certainly the seismic jolt to the traditional school paradigm resulting from the shift to virtual learning in most schools and communities due to the pandemic.

As a result of these seismic changes in K-12 education, the classroom looks very different today. But the work of transforming education is still in its infancy, despite the physical changes to the classroom such as more devices for students to use and a greater emphasis on teacher use of digital content in the classroom.

In this third report from Project Tomorrow® and Spectrum Enterprise® in our special series focused on the role of technology in education today, we examine evidence about how the  impact of the pandemic and the resulting shifts to more technology-based instruction have forever changed our schools and our classrooms — and why there is no going back.

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