How do I read my bill statement?
We’re committed to providing you with a clear and easy-to-understand billing statement. For more details, see a section-by-section explanation below.
Account Information
Service At – This is the address where your services are active. This may be different than your billing address, which can be seen in the coupon at the bottom of the first page of your invoice (see 5). If your bill includes charges for multiple locations, this will be the main account location and you’ll see the other service addresses in the charge details (see 8).
Invoice Date and Number – The invoice date at the top of your bill is the day the invoice is generated. This is different than your due date. The Invoice number uniquely identifies this bill statement.
Account Number – This is a unique identifier for your account. If you have multiple accounts billed on this invoice (see 8), this will be the number of the Master Account. Use this account number to register for your online account. Learn more about here.
Due Date – Please submit your payments by the Due Date to keep your account current. If your account is enrolled in Auto Pay, you will see that indicated instead of a date.
Security Code – The security code is an added level of protection for your account. You will need to provide this code, in addition to your enterprise account number, to identify yourself when contacting a support representative. We advise clients to not give this code to anyone you do not want to have access to your account.
Summary – This section summarizes the charges included in this billing statement. The period of service for the charges will be displayed here.
Previous Statement Balance and Payments - In the Summary, you will see what your last month’s bill amount was and any payments received toward that balance.
If the previous balance was not paid in full by the time this invoice is generated, you may see a Previous Statement Balance Subtotal.
This previous balance is considered past due once your next invoice is generated.
Below the Previous Statement Balance Subtotal you will see a summary of all charges and adjustments for the current billing period.
- Adjustments will include any credits applied to your account.
- Prorated Charges will sum up any partial month charges incurred in the past month. These prorated charges occur if you add services to your account in the middle of your billing period.
- Recurring Charges will be the sum of all set monthly charges for each service.
- One Time Charges are any charges that apply only once, such as an installation fee.
- Taxes, Fees & Surcharges are summed up and added to the other balances, adjustments, and charges for your total Balance Due.
The details of each of these line items can be viewed in the Charge Details (see 7).
Payment Options – Here you can see the options available to you for paying this invoice. Options vary from location to location.
If you are mailing in your payment, include the coupon at the bottom of your invoice’s first page. This helps us accurately identify your account to apply the payment.
Due Date – This is the date we must receive your payment to keep your account in good standing. If your account is enrolled in Auto Pay, you will see this noted instead of a date.
Amount Paid – When you mail in your payment, note the amount you are paying in the Amount Paid field.
Remit Address – Your payment coupon will reflect the address where you will mail your payment. Please note that the remit address is determined by the location of your account.
Bill-to Address – The address we have on record to mail your billing statements is shown on this coupon. This address may be different than the service address (see 1).
Billing Information
Periodically, you will see important messages, reminders and offers in the Billing Information section.
You may also see some helpful details about taxes and fees in your local area.
Charge Details
The Charge Details section of your bill will show you how your new charges break down between monthly recurring services, other non-service related monthly charges, and taxes, fees and one-time charges.
A newer feature of this bill statement is the Circuit ID listed if the account contains voice services. A Circuit ID is the unique identifier that we assign to your connections for certain services. Adding this to your billing statement makes it easier for you to receive support for your services and to match your billing charges to the services we provide.
Service Charges – The monthly recurring charges for each service on your account will be listed out separately.
Other Charges – Other charges are non service-related monthly recurring charges, such as TV surcharges.
Taxes, Fees & Surcharges – The Taxes, Fees and Surcharges section details all taxes and fees charged on the account, as well as any one-time charges your account may have incurred.
If more than one location is covered by this master bill account, the details for each location will be broken out in the Charge Details section.
Note that the layout is landscape to provide detailed service information about each location.
Circuit ID (8a) – For any voice services, you will see your Circuit ID listed in the column after the location Description.
A Circuit ID is the unique identifier that we assign to your connections for certain services. Adding this to your billing statement makes it easier for you to receive support for your services and to match your billing charges to the services we provide.
Any non-recurring charges or installment plans for services that enable Spectrum connectivity and managed services will be displayed here, under Field Services. This may include the installation and maintenance of wiring, demarcation points, or other equipment — as specified during the sales agreement.